Achilles Tendinitis | Achilles Tendon | Overuse Injury

Achilles Tendinitis | Achilles Tendon | Overuse Injury

Fun Fact

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in your body which connects the calf muscles in the lower part of your leg to your heel bone.

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

The Achilles tendon is a robust fibrous cord. Achilles Tendinitis is an overuse injury which is caused by repetitive and intense strain on your Achilles tendon. Pain, stiffness and discomfort is often experienced.

Achilles Tendonitis is most common in men as they get older because the tendon tends to weaken overtime, this tendon is used when you walk, run, or push up from your toes. This injury happens more to those who have recently increased the intensity of their activity.


Our Pain Relief & Recovery Collection will work best to sooth your Achilles Tendinitis by compressing the tendon and healing the tendon by reducing inflammation. Our team recommends using our Naturcel Sport Relief & Recovery Roll-On(applying as often as desired) to speed up your recovery.


Achilles Tendinitis is something most of us don't think about until it's too late and we begin to experience pain coming from the back of our heal.

To initially or further prevent tendinitis, here are a few recommendations from our team at Naturcel

  • Get plenty of rest and allow enough time for your Achilles tendon to heal before starting to gradually increase your routine again.
  • Always warm up and stretch before starting any activity and avoid those that'll place excessive stress on your tendons.
  • Wear the proper shoes for the job!
  • Continue treatment days by giving your body a chance to relax with Naturcel's Relief & Recovery Products.
  • Strengthen your calf muscles to increase the amount of stress your calf and Achilles tendon can take.
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