Bruises | Swelling & Inflammation

Bruises | Swelling & Inflammation

What is Bruising?

A bruise is a common skin injury that results in skin discoloration. Blood from damaged blood cells deep beneath the skin collects near the skin's surface, resulting in what may appear as a black, blue, brown, and purple mark.

Bruising is a skin tissue injury that can quickly occur by simply bumping into something, from a fall, an accident, or a sports injury, including a medical procedure.

Types of bruises

There are multiple reasons why bruising may occur

  1. Black eye: A blow to your head can cause a black eye which can cause swelling, a bruise, and a discolored ring around the eye. We recommend getting this checked out by a health care professional since there might be hyphema(bleeding in the eye) or a facial fracture.
  2. Purpura: This bruising is caused by bleeding that occurs under the skin, which is caused by force in that area(ex: bumping into something)
  3. Petechiae: These are spots that are less than 2mm of reddish dots on your skin that do not turn white after applying light pressure.
  4. Senile purpura: Your skin becomes thinner, dryer, and more prone to tearing as you age, making your skin more sensitive to bruises.
  5. Hematoma: Trauma, A significant fall or a car accident can cause severe bruising and skin and tissue damage. This type can cause pain & swelling because of a collection of blood outside the blood vessels.

How can you treat or manage bruises?

Naturcel offers a wide variety of pain management solutions to heal the wound externally & Internally. Our team at Naturcel recommends a 'Pain Relief Patch' on the wounded area if the injury is not open and a Relief & Recovery Roll-on. Naturcel's pain management solutions utilize vital active ingredients, providing a cooling sensation, pain relief, and healing anti-inflammatory properties.

Our team would also specifically recommend combining the Pain Relief Patches & Roll-On with Naturcel's Tincture to target inflammation internally, providing you with both external & internal relief & recovery support.


Everyone experiences bruising at some point, so we've created pain management products to alleviate some of your symptoms. Naturcel recommends always wearing the correct protective gear when engaging in sports or physical activity. Another thing you can do to prevent bruises is always to exercise caution when doing anything around the household since several reasons and obstacles could cause you to trip & fall.

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